Wrestling with Anxiety

In the past I’ve never wanted to admit to being an anxious person, sure I've seen the signs, but I thought if I admitted it then I would loose all control and get lost in the sea of anxiety. But recently things have been becoming clearer... 

Wrestling with Anxiety | Kendra Castillo
Our little Bozeman House - Kendra Castillo

Us moving from Bozeman Montana at the end of 2014

Wrestling with Anxiety - Kendra Castillo

I’ve definitely been scared to make decisions over the past few years. Most of it probably stems from a moment in time when I felt oh so confident in a decision to move & take a risk. We packed up our bags, took off in our Uhaul & I’d like to say the story ended easily & beautifully, but that’s not how it went... well in a way it did.

Because 2 years later those same boxes are still packed in storage unpacked in a different state. We have faced many emotional & personal challenges & I can say I got lost a bit along the way. 
But over the pst few months I’m reaching for healing, not just survival mode. I learning even more to trust the unknown and believe in dreams + hope in a new way. 
I can confidently, 100% say that I wouldn’t be painting & doing all of these things if we had unpacked our uhaul & moved into that house we had imagined after we left Montana.

Sometimes, the hardest, longest seasons can have such sweet moments that keep you going for another day. 
I just wanted to share a bit more of my story with you guys. You each mean a lot to me & it’s easy to get frustrated and lost in a sea of “likes” & “follows.” I hope you know how much you mean to me!


Overcoming Self Doubt - guest post by Taylor Adams


Embarking on a new collection of Paintings