Time is A Valuable Resource - guest post by Taylor Adams

Time is A Valuable Resource | Kendra Castillo

all images via Taylor Adams

Guest Post by Taylor Adams

Time seems to be moving by so quickly lately. The days slip by much faster than I’d like, leaving me wondering how it’s possible that June is almost over.. 

I work full time for a social media agency, so I am lucky in that it allows me to work from home and create a flexible schedule. However, it can be difficult to balance everything that needs to get done in a day and find time to dedicate purely towards pursuing my studio work. I’m not the best at setting schedules for myself, but with days that only seem to get busier, I’ve realized that I needed some sort of system to ensure I set aside sessions each day to create. 

Time is A Valuable Resource
Time is A Valuable Resource by Taylor Adams | KendraCastillo.com

A few months ago I read Lauren Graham’s memoir “Talking As Fast As I Can.” I definitely recommend this book if you’re chasing a dream and need a few of those reminders that nobody got to where they are overnight. I also recommend this book if you’re a Gilmore Girls fan - I loved what she had to say on both of these topics. 

Lauren dedicates a chapter in this book to explaining a writing method she learned from screenwriter Don Roos. “The Kitchen Timer Method” is simply setting an appointment with yourself everyday. It may be 1 hour or just 30 minutes, but this appointment is completely and 100% your dedicated time to create. With a timer set to your designated time, and with no phones, no internet, and no distractions - your appointment is to be used uninterrupted until the timer goes off. 

This method is geared towards writers but I thought it could certainly apply to making artwork, or any creative passion for that matter. With a growing need for some structure to my studio practice, I decided to give it a try. So around mid-afternoon, when the light is best in my studio, I put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb,' close my computer, and set a timer for 1 hour. I push my to do lists to the back of my mind, mentally log out of work mode, and immerse myself in the process. 

I’ve learned that this hour doesn’t have to be anything grand. I don’t have to make leaps and bounds of progress, the important part is being present in the time that I have. Sometimes I paint through the whole hour and other times I pause during painting to write pages in my sketchbook, cataloging my thoughts and actions. Sometimes I take time just to sit and study the panel I’m working on. I notice the subtle shifts of my media as it dries, study the marks that I’ve made, and use these observations to inform my next move. I pay attention to the play of light in my studio and take time to appreciate the the little shells, momentos, and bits of inspiration scattered around me. In the midst of busy days, I’m learning to slow down. 

Coming out of this hour, I feel more focused, more energized, and ultimately happier. Some days this hour may be the only time that I get to create, but just knowing that I got that even that little bit of studio time in makes me feel better about my day. If you’re struggling with finding balance for your creative passion, I encourage you to give this method a try. Whatever you choose to do with your appointment, I’m sure it will be the highlight of your day, and I think we all deserve a little time to slow down and feed our souls with what makes us happiest.  

More about Taylor:

Taylor Adams is a Florida based artist exploring the world of abstraction with thread and ink in hand. Fueled by a love of the outdoors, she is largely inspired by beauty found in nature. See more of Taylor’s work at tayloradamsart.com and follow along on Instagram/Twitter @tayloradamsart to get a closer look at her process, current work, and daily explorations.