Pressing Pause

A peek into the future | Kendra Castillo

It's been a while, almost 2 months to be exact! I keep making notes and trying to schedule time to write a blog post to tell you all what's been going on with life, but each time I pull out my computer and start to type away there is this little internal pause that happens. The best way I can explain it is that inner reminder to have grace for the season you are in. What do I mean, well I have this nasty habit of putting to much pressure or expectation on myself, and the more I share publicly the more I think that there are these crazy expectations to uphold to. The funny thing is that you guys are pretty amazing and never actually pressure me for anything, so the only one I have to blame is myself. 

Ok, back to that little internal pause. I realized it was a little reminder to break some bad habits that I had let form. To paint a little more, to read that book I've been wanting to finish, to indulge in some wine and a good long Netflix binge session. It was about putting the phone or computer away and celebrating life and regaining perspective on what and where I want to spend my time. 

Kendra Castillo | home studio
Original Paintings by Kendra Castillo

It's sounds so obvious, but life really is short. 

I want to enjoy the days I get to have. To be excited to grow this little business and share life with you all! 

So here's a little peek into the future... 

  • I just wrapped up the Summer Fields collection and now I have started dreaming and painting up some new works. I'm coming at these paintings with less expectation and more of an excitement for the process (I'll be sharing little snippets of what I work on Instagram and Facebook

  • We're taking a little trip to Colorado at the end of the month to visit Marcus's family! 

  • I'm working on 2 new 2018 Calendar designs that I hope to release in the next few months!! 

  • I'll be starting some new Commission paintings, which is always so fun and exciting to create something specific for a client. 

  • Meeting some amazing people for Creative Coaching sessions! 

  • Lastly, I'm going to try to continue to have grace for myself and remember to be excited for each new day. 

These past few years have been a whirlwind for us personally, but that craziness lead to this little business and it led to me being able to meet you guys and I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly humbled I am! 

Thanks for sharing this all with me, for your incredible kindness and constant encouragement! 

Commission Paintings by Kendra Castillo

Want to work together?  

Openings for COMMISSION PAINTINGS now Available


Fueling The Creative Mind - guest post by Taylor Adams


Time is A Valuable Resource - guest post by Taylor Adams