The Best from 2017

The best from 2017! Looking back at top art projects, Paintings + More | Kendra Castillo

This past year has been a whirlwind! I honestly don’t feel like the same person... someone told me once that their 30’s was some of the best years. I think I may look back at my 30’s and see it as a time where I finally accepted who I was. When I felt comfortable in my quirky artistic skin. When I took chances, accepted failures and cherished every bit of laughter & goodness with a new appreciation.

This year I have taken greater risks and reached out to try new things, but most importantly took the chance to grow. 

It may be in 2018 that I look back and say that this was a year of self recognition, but I feel a bit of it coming on as I type these words. Because as I look back at 2017 I have to say that it is honestly a year I could never have predicted. 

I have so much gratefulness in my heart and it has everything to do with you and your support! With every purchase you encouraged me to keep painting, to push myself further then I thought possible. I learned a thousand new skills and most imprtantly I feel like I have a new community that I can call my friends. Thank you for being a part of my journey!! 

Here are a few pictures that stood out to me from this past year... 

Sisters painting by Kendra Castillo
Salt & Iron in Edmonds Washington, Artwork by Kendra Castillo
Summer Rain by Kendra Castillo
Kendra Castillo

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