Art Kendra Castillo Art Kendra Castillo

The 2023 Art Calendar

It’s finally that time of year when I get to share next years calendar with you! It’s always a best seller and one that you ask me about all year long, which makes me so happy! The 2023 calendar may be my new favorite one of all time. I don’t know if you know this, but from start to finish, the calendar is designed by me, I love the thought that there is nothing out there in the world like this. So much love, thought and energy goes into the calendar. For starters, each painting in this calendar is brand new.

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Tools & Resources Kendra Castillo Tools & Resources Kendra Castillo


I want to talk about the importance of using and taking quality images when you blog. There are lots of arguments about whether it is important to use images when you blog. For me this is a no brainer. Use images. We are a very visual society, we are drawn into blogs based on appearance (Images are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text). This may seem very shallow but in my opinion it is true. When I first started blogging I knew no one so I just started floating around from one blog to the next and I realized very quickly that I spent more time on blogs that were visually appealing. Sure if there really wasn't any content to back up the pretty pictures that caught my attention I was most like not going to be a returning viewer. I'm not saying this to discourage you but to really say that with a few simple tricks you will be well on your way to making your blog more visually appealing and will probably gain some new viewers along the way. 

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