A new studio practice + FREE Printable Mantras to help inspire you!
16 free Mantras
printable mantras for your creative soul. Inspired to help you do your best work
16 Free Mantras for you to enjoy. These mantras are made for your creative soul, they are focused on giving you a quiet moment to remind yourself that what you have to offer the world is beautiful and unique. These 16 mantras are designed so you can easily print them at home, cut out and display around your home or creative workspace.
I have my mantras printed out & stacked on my work desk. Everyday when I start my work I flip to the next one. I never used to be someone who spent much thought about incorporating this into my practice. It’s been such a refreshing little habit that has helped me clear my mind from whatever may be distracting me so I can be reminded that the work I’m creating is important and worth my full attention.
These mantras have helped me create a simple routine that helps remind me why I'm showing up every day to do my best work.
And of course I couldn’t keep them to myself so I put together my favorites into a printable PDF download after you all loved this concept when I share it over on Instagram the other day. So now you can download yours for FREE! Just click the button below :)