friday's letters

"A Winters Engagement" (this is the place my sister got engaged at) -acrylic

Well Friday is finally here and that calls for another friday letter. I have begun to look forward to writing these letters. It's such a fun way to process my week, the good, bad and ugly. 

Dear Husband, thanks for always being there to provide me with wise and reliable advice. This wife of yours needs your scientific mind to bring this artistic heart back to reality every once in while. 

Dear English, thank you for being almost over, I thought you were going to kill me for a moment back there. But I think I defeated your little research paper butt. 

Dear friends, thanks for loving and pushing to see me even though I became a bit of a hermit the past few weeks. 

Dear bed, why have you been so dang comfy, it makes it impossible for me to actually pull myself out of bed in the morning. Setting 5 alarms shouldn't be ok, I really need to make a change. 

Dear snow that keeps deciding to fall, all I have to say is "Im cold and irritated... now please go away for a few more weeks."

Dear art, I miss making time to create you. I know that it is one of the best ways that God gets my attention, so I should make it more of a priority. Im trying, thats all I can say right now. 

"old soul" -charcoal

"Caught" -acrylic
All art is by (me) Kendra Castillo 


sometimes a little treat is exactly what you need


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