sometimes a little treat is exactly what you need

So this week has started with a bang! I finished my dreaded English class and to my surprise I did really well, so that called for a relaxing weekend filled with indoor camping. What I mean by indoor camping is, an air mattress sandwiched between the TV and the sofa, topped with tons of blankets.. movies and my favorite person. But all good things have to come to an end and with that Monday snuck one on me. 

 I started my new class called Programming and Space Planning, 
this means I will spend a lot more time working on projects like the one above. My first day of class and I had to draft out my living room and all the furniture in it. But dont feel bad for me, I felt like all that hard work was deserving of some pampering...

So I decided to relax with a little wine and cheese. 
Sometimes it's just the thing to make you stop and realize that it's ok to treat yourself to a little pampering. I see nothing wrong with a monday night pampering. It means that I get to regroup and feel refreshed all at the same time. Who needs Friday to regroup, I think I just started a new monday night routine.

Oh and did I mention that I spent this time all by myself, I say this because sometimes I need a little me time and it just happened to = wine, cheese and nail polish... 

I would have to say that's time well spent.


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friday's letters