It's been a while... late night thoughts from the studio

Kendra Castillo apartment studio space

Did you know that I started blogging way back in 2012, I was only a few years into marriage. We had moved to Montana and I was going to school to be an interior designer. So much is different now, but at the same time some thing are awfully the same… still living small, still plant obsessed, still creating, still typing out words (just mostly on Instagram). I guess I didn’t feel like I had the energy to spend “blogging” and all that that entailed. But the truth is… I missed this space. I missed sharing thoughts, inspiration and silly pretty things. So I guess right now I’m typing this and most people won’t read this and I’m pretty sure I’m ok with that. I guess I like to think of this as my “dipping a toe” back into the waters this little space.

When I started blogging I named this place “Open Spaces” and when I changed over to more of a fine art focus I changed my website name to “Kendra Castillo” which I have no regrets over, but all those years of “open spaces” has a lingering effect and I think its funny how a name that you could decide on a whim over 8 years ago still has an impact on your life.

That “open spaces” mindset is in hindsight something of a guidepost for my life. I wrote in my first ever blog post “This is a place and time to see the open space around me and feel free to explore.” And I still feel that today. I’m a completely different person than the one who typed those words out so many years ago. But I guess I can see the consistency in life that we can over look so easily. Sometimes the signs we look for are so easy and right in front of us… so I guess when I’m feeling lost or in a creative rut. I’ll do my best to remember my very own words all those years ago. “A place and time to see the open space around me an to be free to explore.” I guess thats my little pep talk and new mantra for myself.

Who knows what this place will look like in the future. But I want it to be a place of inspiration. A place filled with perfectly imperfect things… I hope you know you’re welcome here and from my heart I want to say thank you for sharing this journey with me.


4 New Fine Art Floral Prints!


the "Home" series