A Simple Wardrobe. Going Back to the Basics

The benefits of choosing and maintaing a simple wardrobe -Kendra Castillo

When it comes to my wardrobe I have arrived at the conclusion that simple is better. Investing in quality over quantity, while still allowing yourself the freedom to snag some trendy pieces is key. I haven't always been this way, looking back at pictures of myself when I was 20 I want to cringe. I also want to give myself props for being fearless. Just picture me expressing my creative side by "making" my own clothes, cutting, sewing and layering one too many things. Now I'm officially 10 years older and a bunch of moving trucks wiser, so I can confidently say my decision to choose less has benefited me 100%.

The benefits of choosing and maintaing a simple wardrobe -Kendra Castillo


The benefits of choosing and maintaing a simple wardrobe -Kendra Castillo
The benefits of choosing and maintaing a simple wardrobe -Kendra Castillo
The benefits of choosing and maintaing a simple wardrobe -Kendra Castillo

Less Baggage & More Style

When you decide to go simple over extravagant I want to say right now that it doesn't mean you will become a frumpy lady who is a decade behind fashion trends. In fact I find that choosing a simple wardrobe is liberating and allows you to actually choose specific, thought out items that will last you through all the changing trends.  

Now, here is the question... How do we do that? 

First, evaluate the clothing that you have, do you see any consistencies in your current wardrobe. Do you have a lot of "work specific" clothing or common colors that you gravitate towards? Keep note of your findings, because the next time you purchase and item you want to make sure it is a piece that actually functions within your wardrobe. 

What do I mean by that? Well, if you need to dress up for work, but on the weekends you like to be more casual, then you want to select clothing that functions in both scenarios rather than creating two separate wardrobes. Choose tops that can be dressed up by layering a jacket and jewelry, but can be dressed down with some jeans and a pair of flats/boots. 

The idea is to take back your time, to simplify your routine and the best part is that you will save your wallet too! Win win. 



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