5 Podcasts for entrepreneur & creatives. These are the ones I can't stop listening to

5 Podcasts for entrepreneur & creatives. These are the ones I can't stop listening to! CLICK TO READ MORE! // Kendra Castillo

Since working at home I have really started listening to podcasts while I paint, do the dishes and grocery shop. Now don’t judge me for being that person who bumps into you at the store because she has her headphones in, I’m just an introverted girl trying to keep some sanity and learn a little something along the way.

Anyways, I always love hearing other peoples favorite podcasts so I thought I would share my top five! These five podcasts are constantly inspiring me to be a better artist, creative businesses owner and generally a better person.

1. The Goal Digger Podcast 

So this podcast will kick your butt! Hello… Jenna Kutcher built her business with a $300 craigslist camera and now she is dominating everywhere you can think of! If you feel stuck in your creative venture or just life, give her podcast a listen. All of the interviews are beyond inspiring and full of tangible tips for anyone to apply.

2. Raw Milk 

I’ve been a HUGE fan of Beth’s for so long! Her blogging and photo styling has probably been one of the biggest sources of inspiration to me over the years. So when she announced she was starting a podcast, you bet I was listening to it the first moment I could! She speaks with such realness and an honestly about life and the road to fighting for your dreams that is sure to inspire and encourage you, no matter where you are at in your venture.

3. Dias | Rachel Hollis

This Podcast is by Rachel Hollis and if you haven’t read her book yet “Girl, Wash Your Face” well, all I can say is go do that, then start listening to ALL here amazing information. She has a heart of gold and now has multiple podcast which I also listen to you can find those here!

4. How I Built this with Guy Raz

Cue the tears. Seriously though! I will say that more often then not I have tears in my eyes at some point during the interviews. Each story interviews people (usually huge businesses that you know very well!) and they open up about how they built their business. It’s humbling and so inspirational!

5. Ed Mylett Show

So I actually found this podcast from listening to Rachel Hollis’s podcast (yes, I realize this sounds like I have a podcast problem!) but, I am so happy I started listening to it! He interviews some incredible people and like most of these on this list you may be left with some tears (some from laughing so hard) but, more than anything I think you will realize how much you have to offer and that your story is unique!

Now that my podcast loving self has finished her rant, I would love to hear some of your favorites!


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