
Thanks Pinterst for the picture, things have been crazy and I haven't had a chance to decorate... you did it for me this year. 

So Thanksgiving literally snuck up on me. The hubs and I have been considering for a while weither or not to make the treck over to Colorado where his parents live (a 9-10 hour drive). Well we kept postponing the decision every time we brought it up because well... its Montana and you never know what the weather is like. So were sitting at dinner on Mon with no decision made and it hit me... oh crap its almost Thanksgiving and if we go I have so much to do, including tons of detailed drafting  homework.

All that to say, by the end of the meal we decided were heading to lovely Colorado. Oh did I mention that were leaving EARLY thursday morning and coming home on saturday. We may be insane but hey, we dont have kids yet and were still young.. well we keep trying to tell our bodies that. 
So as we speak Im thinking of all the packing I have to do... homework I need to finish.. and praying that the snow stops. 

But do you want to know the best thing about Thanksgiving this year... 
It's my beautiful sisters birthday!!! I have been so blessed 
to have such an amazing sister, yes she is younger but acted like the oldest... I really didn't mind! 
but she is such a beautiful person inside and out, she would do anything for you if you asked.. or didn't. 
I love her so much and wish I could spend this special day with her. 
But instead I will wish her lots of love from afar 

I love you sissypoo! 

and no.. she isn't a midget... im wearing 3" heels incase you were wondering 


lets be real


a day in the life...