lets be real

Today has been a hard one.. what can I say, Im pretty sure everyone has those days. 
Days were you feel simply exhausted and emotionally drained. 

Thats today and it seemed to come with no warning besides the hide-site that I've been pushing through 
each activity just to make to the next. But here I sit, tired and spent. It hit me while I was 
trying to do homework, edit photos and think of all that needs to be done before Christmas. 
Side note, how is it almost December???? I know it seems to sneak up every year 
but this year it really came bustling in. 

What was I talking about, oh right.. hitting me. So it hit me while the hubs came in goofy as ever, 
and I found that I couldn't enjoy it at all. I was annoyed and really only wanted to cry. Where does this come from? Give me a few weeks and I might just have that "ah ha" moment where I realize that its going to be that dreaded time of the month. That really would be great and bring understanding to the crazy, but what I really think it comes down to is being honest. 

Sometimes I feel like life slips by and I forget to sit down and process all thats been happening the good and the bad. It's in those moments when I quiet myself that the Lord comes to comfort and bring clarity. I begin to have direction again and a renewed energy to go out there and face the day. I know this but still find reasons to be distracted.. reality tv.. friends.. fam.. pinterest :) 
When I process through the emotion I find that it can stem from selfishness. I would rather spend my time doing what I want then spend a few minutes with the Father,  even though that's what my heart longs for. I need to see it as my coffee, the thing that I have to have in the morning no matter what is going on. 

I found these pictures on my phone ( crappy phone = crappy pics) 
I was looking at them and they are little things that have brought a smile to my heart 

So on a happier note... lots of fun Christmas DIY decorating and other fun stuff to come! 
Bring on December

I found these pictures on my phone ( crappy phone = crappy pics) 
I was looking at them and they are little things that have brought a smile to my heart 
(1, @ work before the snow came. 2, husbands childhood room. 3, Zoophonics, I get to draw the letter and the animal that goes with it) 

Apples of Gold

its coming...

