Come Friday my eyes and head feel heavy. I find I'm typically in the middle of wrapping up things I have somehow managed to procrastinate on during the week. So to say my thankful-o-meter is usually a little depleted is a fairly accurate assessment, but I want to work on that. With that being said, I'm going to try something I used to do in the past.... it's Friday Letter time. 

Dear Husband, thanks for being patient during your trip away. You realize your wife is needy and is coping by sending you obnoxious Bitmojes all day long. Dear friend, thanks for being so supportive of my crazy creative endeavors, you were there having late night chats and reminding me why I do what I do. Dear rain, please please go away... thats all. Dear niece, how are you almost 1, my auntie heart cant handle it. Dear family, thank you for always having our backs and for supporting us in the way only family can. Dear Scandal, why are you so addicting, I'm loosing precious hours of sleep watching you late into the night, so I guess for that I really have to thank Netflix for continuing to feed my addictions. Dear clients, I am forever grateful! I still can't believe I get to say that I actually have real clients, I may never get used to it :) 

Hope you all have a great weekend! 

xo- Kendra