When I started blogging a couple years ago I had no direction and no true understanding of this "blogging" world. It was an impulse start and I went from one topic to another, one thought to the next and one day to another. (Here's a peak at some of my earlier posts) But as time went on I began to get overwhelmed with possibilities and ideas and I had no idea what I was doing. So I started seeing what some of my favorite bloggers were doing I realized that something I was doing needed to change. 

One of the first things I did was define my "mission statement" in regards to blogging.


"To see beauty in the everyday moments"


- Decorating on a Budget/DIYs

- Fashion

- Food

- Life Moments

Once I figured out my mission statement I looked over past posts and found a series of topics that I kept blogging about. For example: DIY projects, recipes and my life "ramblings" posts. From these topics I evaluated what posts received the most feedback from my readers. I found that most of the hot topics that my readers liked fell into my blogging "mission statement."

Once I had a clear path of what sort of topics to address it gave me such freedom to develop and invest more time into the things I was passionate about. Finding my focus and gave me freedom to disregard those random things that didn't really have anything to do with the heart behind why I was blogging.

So if you haven't yet thought about why you are blogging or wonder what your focus could be I highly recommend writing a mission statement. It made all the difference for me.

*Stay tuned next week for my next bit on how to stay organized blogging and my Blog Better Series!