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Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the day to day overwhelms me. As an artist (and introvert) the go go go of life makes me just want to curl up into a ball in some cozy corner, close my eyes, turn some music on and just dream. Dream different ideas and things for the future, dream about paintings and other creative things. 

These past few months have been stretching to say the least, personally life that we have known for the past 5 years is changing. We are packing up our home, leaving our community and stepping out into some very big "unknowns." I have felt like my mind is trying to play catch up with my emotions and my emotions are trying to become rational :) and during this all I have found is that I must find time to be quiet. To take myself away from it all and be still. To listen to worship music and become inspired to find faith and hope all over again. 

I have learned that during times of transition I have been known to pull away from things or to make rash decisions so that I can just plunge into the next thing and not have to deal with all the emotions that come with change. But this time I want to be present in my life, in the day to day moments. I don't want to miss out on the gifts that I have right now. Amazing friends. Supportive husband. A home filled with memories. These are the things that I cherish so deeply. I hope that whatever comes next I am as blessed as I have feel right now. I feel so very full of gratitude. 

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