I want to remember to always dream big. To step outside of my comfort zone, to push myself farther then I thought possible. I want to create big things. Not in size but in imagination and things that make me learn new processes and skills so that I can do whatever I envision. Some of you may or may not know but I'm a dancer, since I was very little I was taking dance lessons and learning to use my body as an expression/story/ or emotional response. It wasn't until years later when I was doing an intensive dance school where all those years of mundane practice took hold. I finally realized why we learned those silly steps and repeated those arm movements one million times.

Why I stretched by body beyond what I thought possible. It was all so that I would have the freedom to create, to jump, twist and roll to the ground if that's what my mind saw. All those years, I was training myself for something bigger than what I could see in the moment. I'm reminded of that again now. I don't want to dismiss the small moments in life when I really should look at them as learning opportunities, because I want to be able to "jump" when I get the go ahead to do "that' thing that I have been dreaming about. I don't want to be unprepared. Sometimes I think it is easier as a creative person to have those BIG dreams, but when it comes to the day to day grind of learning skills or being diligent with our time it becomes a whole different kind of test. But if we stick to it and find balance we will have the freedom and the tools to take those big dreams and make them a reality. 

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