Kendra Castillo

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Seasons of life, we all face them. 
Sometimes these seasons are filled with hope and joy
Sometimes sadness and mourning 
Sometimes direction and clarity is easy to see and other times it 
seems all too quiet. 

This season seems to be pulling me in all directions, 
testing my past lessons of life and making me stronger. 
Or I hope it is making me stronger, I have moments of confidence 
and moments of weakness. In these moments I forget how to trust, 
how to press forward in hope of direction and purpose. 

I feel weary and in search of answers. But I feel my biggest 
lesson yet to learn is to be satisfied. I realized that even when I get to that 
"next" thing I will eventually be faced with a new challenge or struggle. 
I am reminded of how great it is to have faith and trust the unknown. 
To seek adventure, even if that adventure is in my everyday. Sometimes 
the things I want more than anything end up looking nothing like I expected. 
So I want to be satisfied in the everyday, even when I am weary, I can have a hope 
and confidence that everything is going to be ok. Even if it looks different than 
what I imagined. I want to be open to possibilities and not put my future in a so 
called box. So I guess it's safe to say that I have no idea what tomorrow holds, 
but I want to be open and excited to whatever that may be. 

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