Well January is here, and looking back at this crazy holiday season fills me with joy and a touch of sadness because I know that I start back up with school this week. This also brings a lot of excitement and a feeling of expectancy because both Marcus and I finish up school this semester. We have been married for going on 5 years and a few months after getting married we both dove back into school. This season has been challenging but also full of beautiful moments that I want to cherish forever. 

This desktop calendar is inspired by these chilly days that we are having here in Bozeman. I took this picture when we were in Colorado over christmas. It was hauntingly beautiful to me. All of the frost and fresh snow was frozen everything it touched caught my attention and made me feel like I was living in a dream. 

To download simply: 

1. Click on the image 
2. Right click and save to your computer. 
3. Open and save as your desktop. Then... Enjoy!

* if you are having any trouble downloading this calendar, or the size isn't right. Just send me an email!
