So I got this planner through my school and it is awesome, full of information that I would otherwise not have on hand and would spend hours searching aimlessly only to become frustrated and annoyed. Now that that tangent is over I will say that as much as I love this planner.... it is one ugly piece to carry around. So during a work slump I updated my little ol' planner and in less then 10 mins I was left with this cute little puppy. So here is what I did to give my planner a good facelift. This would work on any planner or notebook that needs a little character. 
Start with your ugly planner. 
Then find a magazine that you don't mind destroying. Another great option would be to copy some pictures and use them to make a more personal notebook/planner. 
Place the images in your desired pattern. (I placed a little glue to help hold the paper down while I was figuring out the layering pattern I wanted)
 Once you have the layout you like use some wide clear tape (packing tape works great) and carefully pull the tape so that it covers the front of your planner. This will protect it and create a smooth cover. I taped it to my desk and then once the front was completely covered I flipped it over and flattened out the tape to the inside of the front cover to seal all the edges. 

And Ta Da... a new fresh face planner!
Oh and here is another quick DIY that I completed this week. 
What can I say, when I'm stressed I do projects. 

This was a old wooden tray that I painted by laying out painters tape around the middle of the entire tray. Then I painted it by hand with acrylic paint. I feel so much better containing the mess on my desk. 



