LATELY... a questionnaire

Making Spaghetti sauce from all of our tomatoes

Stumbled upon this cute questionnaire and thought it would be a fun way to catch up on life lately
Let me know if you do it to! 

Making : a construction model for my Architecture materials class 
Cooking : crockpot meals, tis the season
Drinking : lots of tea, which is strange if you know how much I love my coffee
Eating: chicken chili
Reading: Kitchen & Bath textbooks
Wanting: Some new candles for fall 
Looking: Floorplans for tomorrows assignment
Playing: "games" on Lumosity, who knew it really was like a "game" for your brain
Wasting: hot air from all the getto window in our house
Sewing: nothing because I'm still a little scared of my sewing machine.. so my projects are piling up
Wishing: that the snow that is predicted tomorrow will go away for a little longer
Enjoying: the crisp cool mornings
Waiting: The weekend
Liking: my new sweaters and boots
Wondering: what being married and not being in school is going to feel like, only one year left!
Loving: the moments when Marcus freezes in a strange posture until I finally notice that he is there
Hoping: that I get all of these assignments done so I can have a date night this weekend
Marveling: over the fact that some of my closest friends are getting ready to have thier babies!! 
Needing: more hours in the day
Smelling: my new candle that is making me want a carmel latte
Wearing: obnoxiously bright leggings and a sweater
Following: Annapolis & Company, I always love her perspective and creative photos
Noticing: any dainty necklace lately
Knowing: that I can push through this season of maddness and it will all be worth it
Thinking: snow, a cozy blanket and a book
Feeling: I want to find a fun project to do
Bookmarking: fall recipes
Opening: a giveaway item I recently won :) 
Giggling: New Girl, its the best



