Friday Is Here

Dear Friday, you have arrived and in perfect timing. This week has gone better and I finally feel like I'm kinda getting into the swing of things and perfecting this juggling act. Dear school, you have thrown me some curve balls but I think that I'm doing a pretty good job of bouncing back. I did have a small meltdown monday night, but like my wise husband said... it will all work out. Dear husband, sometimes your advice is incredibly annoying. I say this only because it is usually exactly what I need to hear, but not what I want to hear. Dear weather, you cooled off enough for me to bundle up, put on a sweater and boots, make some potato broccoli soup, and turn on the heater. It was a joyous moment for me and I took a moment to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Dear weekend, be kind to me, help me to get everything done that I need to, while still being a little lazy. I would love to put on some sweats, have a warm drink and watch a movie... while not feeling guilty about all the things that I could be doing. 

Hope you all have a great weekend! 

* Linking up with Ashley for Friday's letters
