My heart is heavy right now.
For those of you who don't know Marcus and I were a part of a organization called Youth With A Mission (YWAM) off and on since 2004. Then in 2009 we got married and moved to Bozeman, Montana, which is where we currently are for...who knows how much longer.

My family is all in Washington and Marcus's family is all in Colorado. Needless to say
there are many moments where I get all choked up and wonder how we have ended up so far away from our families for so long. We are both very close to our families, which I love but the distance is heartbreaking at times.

Sometimes I wonder if my heart will ever be settled on this matter. If we move to one hometown than we are even farther from the rest.

I know that this season of marriage and being completely on our own has brought us close together. Taught us how to rely on us. How to not run to our family for help with all of our problems and to first and foremost rely on the Lord to guide us and teach us how to do this whole "marriage" thing.

We leave on Saturday for a week vacation with Marcus's family in his hometown. I am so excited to spend time with them. To make more memories and cherish every moment that we have. If anything, these past few days/weeks have taught me that life is short.

I need to enjoy the closeness of family.
Have meaningful conversations.
And let the little issues that come up GO and have joy in the moment.

I haven't had the best of attitudes these past few days and I know that I have had a lot on my plate but I want to remember to find peace. That was my goal for this year and it keeps popping up to challenge my heart and mind. I choose to have peace, rely on the Lord, let the little things go and focus on relationships.

I want this coming week to be filled with laughter
New places
Good food
And reminders of the Creator in everyday creation

I want to let my controlling nature die and become the woman of patients and peace which my heart desires.


