Friday's letters

Dear Spring, It was fun the one day you were really here, but we are once again blanketed with snow...uggg. Dear Husband, I know you're going to hate me but that old man dance (yes, you know what Im talking about) was just too much. I thought I was going to die laughing. Dear School, Im a little torn right now while Im in the middle of this application process. Its hard to focus on the class at hand while knowing Im going to be starting something new come Fall... but at the same time it's hard to let myself be completely excited about this new change until it is all set in stone. Dear Easter, why do you have to be March this year? I keep forgetting your just around the corner.  Dear hair, you're a little out of control lately and I don't really have the $ to go get you cut at the moment... so please tame yourself for the sake of the public... thanks. Dear weekend, lets hope I get a lot of HW done and then I can sit back and read a good book.. thanks a lot Patricia for the Forbidden suggestion, I'm already sucked in! 

* If you haven't checked out my art, head over there and check some new postings!


Did that really just happen?


spring is here with a side of snow