friday's letters

 This is the beautiful face that hates mornings and feels tortured at the sound of an alarm. 

This week has flown by and now its March... can you believe it. 
I dont think I can. As far the highly attractive morning picture... well I had literally just rolled out of bed and thought, oh ya the world doesn't usually get to see this beauty so lets share a small dose of reality. This is the reality of most peoples daily before and after. 

The face we see without make-up and the one we show the world. 
Cheers to puffy eyes, crazy hair, mineral make-up and dry shampoo! 

As for Friday's Letters: 

Dear Coffee, I'm trying to balance you out with lots of water so I don't feel as bad when I enjoy you more than once a day.. ok lets be honest. Its more than twice but I stop counting. Dear painting, I still haven't decided what needs to be added to finish you up. So as for now I'll settle for walking in to the room turning on the light and staring at you until I figure something out. Dear School, its slowly becoming clearer that you may be looking different to me in the near future! Dear old nose piercing, apparently you never closed up all the way and 6yrs later I can still sport a little nose bling. Dear Husband, thanks for putting up with my crazy mood swings. Im blaming it on stress but I know that it isn't a very good excuses for being a not so nice word to you. Dear Starbucks, Thanks for opening and making me feel not so far away from my Washington roots. 

*Tomorrow I will be posting a fun new March desktop calendar


March desktop calendar


a few of my favorite things...