friday's letters

Dear February, whoo hoo how did you get here already. I'm pretty sure I was just welcoming in the new year with my friends.. now its time for hearts and lots of lovin. Dear juicing,  I really didn't think I would last, but 4 days later I have survived and I'm feeling much better now. Dear Husband, you worked so hard this week, I cant even believe that you are nearing the end of this crazy study times. I also love that you take time to check and see how I'm doing.. love you. Dear winter weather, I'm a little confused. I hate when its snowing but then instantly turnes to slush because of this warm streak. I know it sounds strange but a cold blast would be welcomed in my book. Dear mammas, I love that you both got a hold of me on a day that I was missing my familys. It must have been that motherly instinct.


bookcase: before & after


current cursh