
This weekend was nice and relaxing, balanced nicely with homework and blog changes. 

I talked briefly about adding some of my art to this blog. Well as I sat down, with many cups of coffee later and began making changes it turned into a much bigger project as one idea sparked another. So I'm excited to say that there is now a full functioning art page. There are links at the top of this blog as well as the sidebar. You can access the page by simply clicking on the specific painting displayed or on "My Art"at the top of the page.

This idea to have a place to share my art has been festering (probably could have found a better word)  for a while now. It will be a place to share projects and explain the journey I've been on in a format that is close to my heart. To be honest, I've set this creative side on the back burner for a few years now. Yes, I've picked up a brush here and there but never with passion or purpose. I realize it was just a defense mechanism to shut off the deepest part of me from potential hurt and feeling truly fulfilled. It sounds so silly but sometimes when a lot of change happens its easier to hibernate than to function in wholeness. 

I don't know if it's just me but sometimes the smallest shutdown effects every area of my life. I see now how subtle this change was and how it grew to a place of preventing me from trying new things and expressing/experiencing joy to its fullest.  

I'm excited to share this new adventure with you all! 

* there is a new "Kendra Castillo Art" facebook page that I will be maintaining blog updates and other fun things that happen here.  Feel free to "like" this page on the right side of the page to stay updated. 


a few of my favorite things...


friday's letters