the way I do resolutions.. or not do them

It may sound strange to say that I'm really not one to make new year resolutions. To me 
it's just asking to fail.. or rather I'm a slow mover, so to begin a whole new way of doing things IS asking to fail. Because if I'm going to be honest, I wont attempt the resolutions and that's all there is to it. Maybe its pure stubbornest, even against myself. Who knows... someone want to enlighten me and my troubles... feel free :) 

Anyway, that being said there are some things that I do feel the urge to 
challenge myself personally. Minor things that I think will help me continue to grow as a creative person and overall personal health 


 First, I want to start taking more pictures. 
This may sound silly but I find that lately I've been running into more and more creative block. I need to start somewhere and I think that this is a good place to start. Let me explain why this is even more of a challenge than what it initially sounds like.. and it all comes down to technology. Basically I have a getto phone... like really getto. The kind that when we got our free upgrade without internet (students budget and all) the sells man gave us a funny look and said were pretty much purchasing the last non-smart phone they are ever making. So when I say I want to take more pictures that means bringing my camera with me everywhere I go and getting over being embarrassed (because naturally I hate people looking at me) and start expanding my bored creative muscles.  

Second, I want to start becoming more active again. 
Husband and I find ourselves sitting on the couch watching a movie if we're taking a break from or studying. And lets be honest, this isn't going to totally change, I love my cheesy tv shows and my movie time, but what I want is to start feeling good about myself again. I used to be a dancer from a young age and it only was a few years ago (marriage and moving away from all of my dance involvement) that I pretty much stopped being active. My challenge is to find a new way of looking at fitness because I hate and I do mean HATE the gym. It's foreign, uncomfortable and ultimately it feels like everyone is watching you attempt to workout. So I need to get this saggy butt into gear and do me some exercising. 
Anyone want to take this on with me????  

Apples of Gold



2012 highlighted