let the holidays begin

It's the official start to the holiday season, let the craziness begin. 
I tend to get a little overwhelmed by all the things that I want to get done during the holiday season. I want to decorate, make great foods, without totally fattening up and going into hibernation. Sometimes I think that this is what makes me crazy I make way to many lists of things I want to do and then get bummed when I can't finish it all.

This year my goal is to take it easy
Only do the things that really make me happy 
and excited to celebrate the seasons. This pretty much can be summed up into 
Being Thankful! 

The reminder not to be caught up in expectation, but to cherish every moment
with the people that I love. This might mean that instead of baking another pie (which, lets be honest 
isn't very often because I'm intimidated) I make a phone call and try and catch up with friends and family. 

To kick off the Thankfulness: 

- my comfy winter boots for all the Montana snow
- my husband who keeps me grounded 
- loving family
- the ability to know and give love lavishly 

friday's letters


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