friday's letters

 Yes!!! it getting to be that time of year again... Christmas pictures 
I have to say that we have had some fun memories (at least for me) getting our 
Christmas pictures taken. Take the above picture... this one was taken during negative temperature 
and my friend and I made our husbands brace the cold only to have the tripod we were using have icicles growing off of it by the time we were done. I can say now that we should have waited a day... but wheres the story in that now? 


Dear November, I am pleased to say that you have been good to me. Lots of time spent with great friends and only more birthdays and baby showers to celebrate. This really is a special time of year. This is saying a lot because a few years back you couldn't have paid me to be thinking of Christmas music or other festive things. Cheers to growing up. 
 Dear Husband, you have been working so hard studying lately. I am so proud of you and blessed to share my life with you. 
 Dear Sissypoo,  I love you quick phone calls while you are on your way to your study group. Who knew that all of us would be back in school studying hard after all those years. 
Dear Thanksgiving, we dont know yet where we will be celebrating... Colorado? Bozeman? But where ever we are I plan to enjoy every moment. 
Dear work, please be good to me today.... Im running low creative ways to make you little rascals stop throwing things and listening. A little grace is all Im asking for. 

Happy Friday Everyone!

Oh and hello ugly christmas sweater picture!!! 
this is another favorite of mine 


a day in the life...


cant you just SMELL the holidays coming in...