the little things

There is something about flowers that make even a daunting Monday a little better. I've been trying to think positive about the weather situation here in Montana, (knowing now that it is September and snow is only around the corner)

These Black Eyed Susans are from my potted flowers outside and from the moment I placed them in the house I felt a little cheerier. Its the simple things in life that make me stop and reevaluate how or why I make such a big deal over nothing at all. When really I need to be appreciating and loving the life that I have been given rather than wasting time on things that truly have no value in the long run. 

So here are the first 5 things that popped into my head... 

Im grateful for: 

- My supportive and loving husband
- A family who would do anything for us if we needed it
- All the food in my house.. sometimes it amazes me to see God provide
- All the deep meaningful friendships.. near and far
- A running car