friday's letters

Its seems to me that this week has flown by. I always look forward to Friday 
and the enjoyment of relaxing and tackling some projects this weekend. 
But I have to say that this week has left me feeling a little blah and out of sorts. I cant quite 
put my finger on what is bothering me but it seem to be a scrambled mess of things... but 
I know that I will have plenty of time this weekend to tackle these thoughts and annoyances once and for all. 

Dear Husband, yep school has started up once again and I'm left wondering how to make peace with our new schedule.. can you shout minor case of OCD anyone???
Dear camera, be proud, I have picked you up and started taking more pictures this week. Check for accomplishing some sort of goal this week. 
Dear kiddos from work, thanks for helping me accomplish another goal of attempting to workout. I'm pretty dang excited that I got you to do arm exercises with me and stretch for a good 15 mins and I'm proud to say you loved it wanted more but this poor body was tired. 
Dear dust, why cant you magically disappear along with the large stack of dishes that are
 waiting for me. 
Dear American friend (living in Canada), thanks for taking time our of your schedule to catch up and share life with me. I love you so much. 

*Linking up with The Sweet Season



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