From the moment Danielle told me she was pregnant we began planning how their baby's nursery would look like. They knew that the gender would be a surprise and that they wanted a fresh, bright and nature inspired space. Well sign me up, if I had a baby on the way, I would love to have all of those things in his/her space. We began scheming, I mean planing out every little detail of the soon to be nursery of their sweet baby. 

Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo

The room initially had a lot of built in character, which was a plus, it was however a shade of yellow that didn't quite go with the overall feel and color scheme we were looking for. The fix was simple, we settled on a white that still added some warmth to the space as well as allowing plenty of natural light to bounce off the walls. This was really important because of the overcast days that seem to consume the Pacific Northwest during certain months. 

Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo
Client Reveal: Bright & Fresh Modern Nursery - Kendra Castillo

Trees: Hand painted by Kendra Castillo | Dresser & Books: Antique finds | Floral Painting: Kendra Castillo | Chair: Hayneedle  | End Table: Overstock

Danielle & Jon were amazing, they had a pretty clear vision for what they wanted and with a little help and some fun evenings fine tuning the space, it became a little sanctuary for both mamma and baby. Once their precious Katelyn was born we added a few coral accents as well as the floral painting, which I had the pleasure of doing for them. These little accents completed and added a subtle feminine touch to the nursery.