Kendra Castillo

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Everyone tells you that on your 30th birthday you will be filled with woes of "what if's" and a whole wheel barrel full of "should of, could of, would of's." However on my 30th (on September 3rd, 2015... let that date go down in history) I was feeling excited and oddly refreshed, I only had a few grey hairs to count and less wrinkles than anticipated. 

Let it be noted that every photo was taken on my actual 30th birthday, by my beloved sister who forced me to go outside and snap a few photos for the books. Thank you sister, these are some of my favorites moments, nothing fancy just my real morning face in all of it's glory :) 


However, as the year has progressed I have felt like I have been shaken and shaken again.

I never was a kid that planned how her life would turn out and if I did have those moments I think I did a pretty good job of holding them with an open hand. I always wanted to be open to any possibility or unknown that could come my way. So as this year progressed with unimaginable circumstances we rolled with the punches the best we could. 

Each time I was struck with insecurity or feeling like maybe I should be at a different point in life, I just shrugged it off as life.

But, now... now I have a feeling or maybe I'm looking to blame something, and that something just might be the dreaded 30's. 

So here is a little photo outtake to share how I really feel about turning 30... I mean turning 31. 

So here's to you 30's... 

I'll take you like any other day. I'll try my best, trust the Father and choose to laugh over the little things. I want to choose relationships over things or status and not be afraid to challenge myself or fail while trying. Life is a beautifully hard journey at times. I like to think life has a beautiful way of refining us into something better than we had hoped, we just have to be brave enough to take each opportunity for all that it is, see the good and grow into it. 

xo Kendra