Kendra Castillo

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Today I get to see some dear friends, 
I am reminded that I have been so blessed to share my life with some amazing people 
People that see my weaknesses and allow me to grow 
encourage me when I am sad and speak truth when I need to hear it. 

This week has been crazy and I am looking forward to spending time laughing and maybe even crying (in a good way) 

Dear school, thanks for switching up my normal due dates, which had me scrambling at 11pm to build a 3D model of my clients floorplan. Dear Husband, you are officially in summer now... I cant wait to see and hang out with you again :) Dear laundry, please clean and fold yourself today. Dear snow, thanks for showing up and surprising me. I did get some fun pictures and you didn't last long so I'm not complaining. Dear Summer break, please hurry yourself up... I'm using my last ounce of energy to complete this one. Dear Conference, you were amazing and I'm still processing everything that I learned.